Bush Lies And Twists Logic: That is Bad for America
Tons of explosives have gone missing in Iraq under George Bush's watch.
One Bush apologist, a radio talk show host I saw on C-Span, says, "These very same people complaining about missing weapons are the ones who think we shouldn't be there in the first place!"
That's typical Bushian, childish doubletalk. Never have I seen a collective group of wimps and buck-passers than the rightwing zealots now in charge. Needless to say, if a Democratic president were in charge of this mess, he'd be impeached by now. I think Bush and company have committed crimes worthy of impeachment -- abuses of power, lying, deceit and fraud -- but I'll give the election process a chance to oust him.
Bush says that Kerry will make us unsafe when in fact it is the Bush administration's childish, poorly-plotted international savagery that has toppled the middle east into a brush fire. I get the impression that Bush, in his right wing religious extremism, is aroused by his power to instigate the armageddon of the Book of Revelations.
Bush's rhetoric is so unhealthy for our country. He lies about his opponent -- saying that Kerry wants to expand government (health care coverage) and run away from Iraq. They are lies but Bush persists in telling them. I'm so outraged at this president's abuse of power, abuse of truth and his abuse of ordinary syntax. Together, they muddy up our future by muddying the power of language which results in the misuse of power -- and the deaths of many innocents. I only wish come Catholic Church would erect a potter's field with white crosses for all the innocent dead from the war started by the Bush administration's lust for power. The blood is on the hands of George W. Bush.
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