Elect Kerry and Bullies Will Steal Your Kid's Lunch Money!!!
As we go down the homestretch of this election, I hear every day how Bush/Cheney warn America that if they select Senator Kerry, the United States will be in danger. Every day Bush screeches that we mustn't make the mistake of turning America's security over to some mealy-mouthed, noodle-spined liberal.
He sounds like a boy so desperate to lose his girlfriend that he must convince her that every other man in the world is a rapist. He cannot list in any satisfactory detail any good reasons to stick with him.
Others have perfectly compared Bush to the boy who, unprepared for his book report, has to stammer and bluff and smokescreen his way through it.
You have worked with such people. They are the co-workers who, through connections, got the job they weren't really qualified for. They blow steam, spin webs of puffery, but in short time you see that they are do-nothings, and then they move on to the next job. (You know these type of people especially if you've worked in marketing.)
But back to the election: Beware of Bush's fear-tactics. It was unAmerican for Zell Miller to suggest that it is wrong to criticize the commander-in-chief. It is equally against democratic principles for Bush to ask Americans to base their vote choice on his unfounded, evil assertions that Kerry will make the country less safe. It is George W. Bush who has made this country not only a more dangerous place, but whose policies have unnecessarily killed or maimed seven or eight thousand Americans and many more thousands of innocent Iraqis.
President Bush has nothing to offer America. He does not inspire courage. He encourages fear. That is not only unhealthy. That is a waste of our collective spirit and -- unless we stop him now -- will implant a cancer on the American soul for generations to come.
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself," said Franklin Delano Roosevelt, encouraging us to trudge bravely through tough times. Bush is the opposite. He is powerless unless we are all afraid, irrationally afraid, and turn to him as our savior.
I say no thanks. I've already got one.
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