"I Know Osama Bin Laden Attacked Us!" Said Bush -- Demanding That He Get That Quiz Point Counted Right
In their first debate, George W. Bush stepped like a fly into a spider's web when he said he initiated the war with Iraq "because we were attacked." Senator Kerry paused and said, "How revealing," and added that it was Al Quaeda who attacked the U.S.
George W. Bush snapped, "I know Osama Bin Laden attacked us. I know that" in such a tone that I was embarrassed for the entire country. Without notecards to read from and a worshipping audience, the U.S. President became a prep-school brat who got caught in his simplistic lies and logic.
Bush reminds me of those rope-a-dopers -- people who consider themselves masterful debaters when in fact they simply change twist the logic till the audience is discombobulated.
When I first saw Bush in the 2000 election primaries, I thought of him as childish and simplistic, but since then I've read too much about his cunning to believe it. Some critic along the way called him "willfilly ignorant" which is different than dumb. It makes sense. He chooses not to make "knowledge" the base of his expertise because that's a lot of work. Instinct -- or gut feelings -- works better because there's no homework. But now that he has had smoke blown up his ass for four years by worshipful right-wing zealots in the cabinet and an adoring population, I am convinced again that he is childish and simplistic. More dangerously, he is the ascendent prince who believes his royalty literally comes from the anointment of God. The best thing that could ever have happened to such a simpleton were those terrorist attacks, for he used them as the leverage to do what he wanted. Governing in peactime was a bore, but this, with guns and crusades and the vague poetry of patriotism and divine mission, is within his grasp as the performer for Wolfowitz and the other handful of architects who are the Islamic terrorists' counterparts in darkening the world.
The U.S. President, who touts his maturity and steadiness, proved to us all that he's nothing of the kind when he was so easily reduced to sputtering "I know Osama Bin Laden attacked us!" like he just muffed an easy quiz question.
It's no wonder he can't make alliances. He can't even engage in conversations with his own countrymen.
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