The Book of Amos Speaks Out Against Corporate Greed -- If the Right Wingers Would Only Just Read It
I wonder if the right wing evangelicals who support the Republican platform of corporate power and greed ever look closely at the Book of Amos, Chapter 8: "Hear this, you who trample the needy and do away with the poor of the land, saying, 'When will the New Moon be over that we may sell grain, and the Sabbath be ended that we may market wheat?'- skimping the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales, buying the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, selling even the sweepings with the wheat. The LORD has sworn by the Pride of Jacob: 'I will never forget anything they have done.'"
On the other hand, it's a helluva lot easier to just say, "No gay marriages."
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