Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Candidates At Age 40

Okay, now that the Swift Boat veterans against Kerry have spoken -- their voices muted because their heads are so far up Karl Rove's ass -- let's move on. Not to the issues. But to comparing the candidates at age 40. Yes, rather than compare Kerry and Bush when they were in their mid-twenties, let's compare them at a time when it will be a more fair assessment of their character.

At forty, John Kerry had graduated from college, served in Vietnam, returned to protest the war, ran for Congress and lost, graduated from law school, served as an ardent prosecutor, was elected lieutenant governor, and was poised to win a senate seat.

At forty, George W. Bush had graduated from college, where he disagreed with campus peaceniks and to show his support for the Vietnam War, enlisted in the Texas national guard, where he reported for duty . . . for awhile . . . he ran for Congress and lost . . . operated a failed oil business . . . drank a lot . . . drank a lot more . . .


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