Sunday, October 24, 2004

Bush Couldn't Make the Sale to Allies -- He Certainly Can't Neutralize Al Quaeda

I wish Bush would knock it off with his outrage over his critics not recognizing his so-called coalition as formidable. Our coalition is the equivalent of one boss with a six others whose job it is to go fetch coffee.

Bush should be fired because he couldn't make the sale to the world. He was incapable of convincing the world of his plan. That's because the world knew how messy it would be without planning, and it became very clear to all that Bush wouldn't plan because he lives in a delusional world in which gut-instinct override analysis. For whatever reason, Bush couldn't make the sale.

That doesn't mean alliances can't be made. It just means Bush can't do it.

However, alliances are an essential tool in the challenge we face to dismantle the likes of Al Qaeda.

If Bush cannot construct the proper strategic tools to fight terrorism, he should be canned.

Kerry indicates that he has the mental breadth, diplomatic skills and can engender the confidence of international leaders to begin the painstaking, longterm campaign to neutralize Islamic terrorism.

Bush, with a childlike insistence, thinks explosives will show them. That's tragically laughable. Explosives are what they strap to their chests. They are not afraid of explosives.

Bush's inability to create the global team necessary to infiltrate and neuter this threat has made our problems worse, not better. Those who don't see that don't understand how the world works. And if their voice wins in this election, then we'll have to wait another four years for someone to bail us out of the mess Bush causes, and that mess will be exponentially worse.


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