The Marlboro Man May Become Invisible. If They Can Smear Murtha, They Can Dispose of Farmers, Too.
You've read the story of the Marlboro Man, the American GI whose photo represented the tough, gritty American stance in Iraq. It was all John Wayne...till he got home.
Now watch what happens.
Now he's home. Like many who have served, who now have a little perspective, he questions the wisdom of the leaders who sent him to harm's way.
Cindy Sheehan was once welcome to the White House. When she started to protest the policies that sent her son to his death, she was invisible. Watch over the next three years as more and more soldiers return home to question the sanity of their president's war policies. Watch them because invisible to the White House, who is led by a most vain, unsophisticated Narsiccist who cannot bear the bad news of all he has wrought.
Lefties: Always, always, always remember how this administration treats people: With disposability or as targets of character assassination. Drive that home and eventually the tide will turn on the appeal of this cravenous right wing.
If they can smear McCain, Kerry and Murtha, they'll have no trouble tossing overboard the farmers and other midwesterners who've turned their fair states red in recent years.
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