Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pro War. Anti Troops.

This morning I heard on Cspan two back to back calls, one from an old guy who said, "I'd NEVER let my kid serve for these thugs in the White House" and another who was more John Wayne in his "I'm proud to have served."

Both calls are two sides of one coin.

More and more I'm hearing more and more people say "I love this country, and I'm against Bush."

For three years critics have said, "I support the troops but do not like the White House policies."

Let's put the white light on the scurrilous wags who have created the policy. They have achieved the improbable: They are pro-war and anti-troop for they have taken the vehicle of the U.S. military and ground its gears and empties its tank and worn its tires bald, and are about to leave it by the roadside.

If you get stewardship of the family car, you have to take care of it.

What they've done, these gluttons for power and violence, is tainted the family heirloom -- liberty and service -- and the most we can hope for is that this administration becomes impotent for three years so that they can not do any more harm.


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