A Nation Mad with Regret
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and military leaders are sounding optimistic notes about scaling back U.S. troops in Iraq next year, as public opposition to the war and congressional demands for withdrawal get louder.
Contingency plans for a phased withdrawal include proposals to further postpone or cancel the deployment of a Fort Riley, Kan., brigade and an option to put a combat brigade in nearby Kuwait in case it is needed, said a senior
Pentagon official.
-Associated Press
Without Congressman Murtha's sensible, brave assertion, you would not have read the above news article two weeks ago. If any lives are saved because of this withdrawal, we have Murtha to thank for getting the ball rolling.
The Republicans who insulted him are not fit to govern or to hold positions of responsibility. Democrats and Republicans who campaign to promise true consensus will be the ones who win. America is tired of being left behind in the battle wrought by right wing extremists. The sudden tipping point against President is the result of a tested, tired America saying "Enough!" and slapping down the spoiled, indulgent bully administration.
Watch 2006: It will the year adults -- not the likes of the vicious Swift-Boat, assassini, Rovian Republicans -- but adults who know how to communicate with other adults (and not talk like sugar-fed 2nd graders who say "Bring 'em on!"). It will be the year that adults come in and clean up the mess that these Mad Dog Neo-cons made to this beautiful nation who is going mad with regret.
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