Thursday, June 09, 2005

Conservative Baby Boom Generation In the White House

Over the past three decades, you got the impression that if the Baby Boom Generation botched things when they took over for the GI Generation, it would be the result of liberal excess.

It turns out that the any states of ruination going on now are the result of an administration borne from the conservative wing of the Baby Boom Generation.

Just to show you that liberal and conservative are meaningless words, look back to the Clinton administration to see fiscal responsibility and mature diplomacy. We see in the Bush administration reckless spending, reckless diplomacy, and exorbitant self-indulgence when it comes to letting friends feed from the public trough.

So while they continue to call themselves conservatives, we can either argue the semantic point, or change the definition of conservative.

Or, instead of playing into the cynical game of name-calling, (or redefining a word), how about if Democrats simply start touting leaders who can speak naturally to what common sense Americans desire: Technology-friendly business communities; health care planning; and a reconstruction of the international ties severed by the solipsistic runamok Bush administration, who came to power by scaring America witless with phony color-coded terrorist warnings, Bible-waving, and enlisting the muscle of lying swift boat goons. They can be beat if Democrats stop tolerating their nonsense and fight like men. I say fight like men because the right are little children. Witness their trantrums when they don't get everything their way.


They can be beat. Sadly, it will take the self-evident destruction of their eight crash-and-burn years for it to become glaringly obvious to what has become a numbed majority electorate.

But it can be done.